Thursday, June 18, 2015

Marine Retirement Invitation

I had a friend ask me to make some invitations for a retirement party for her brother-in-law who is retiring from the Marines. Having been a DT Member for My Scrap Chick, I remembered that Kristy and Val have a Marine Shirt Card kit that I used for these. I made 20 of them.
So I think they turned out great and I really like them, but all of you who are familiar with the Marines will notice that the pins on the shirt collar are backwards. My friend's husband pointed that out to me as he is also a retired Marine. Oh well. Just remember if you make one, that the picture that comes with the pattern shows them this way, but make them the other way.
Hope you have a fabulous Thursday and I am so glad you dropped by my front porch to take a look. I invite you to visit my Facebook and Pinterest pages or find me on Instagram @mmirandacreations.


  1. Oh wow! These are simply wonderful and right on the money for a military retirement! :) LOVE them!
    Thanks for the tip on it being backwards as well.... My son just joined so I think I'm gonna need this design for him! :) Have a Crafty day!

    Scrappers Anonymous
